How having fun can get you what you want.

I had a conversation with a coaching colleague and good friend Michael Miller today.  He said that he overheard one of our mutual friends, Ellie Shepley say, "My business really started taking off when I started doing activities I enjoyed".  What?!  Yes!  Of course!  It's exactly what I talk about all the time AND YET, I had overlooked it once again in my attempt to meet new people in my new California community after moving from New York City.   Somehow I still tend to separate my personal self from my coaching self.  I feel my coaching self has to be "all business" and my personal self can be the fun, exciting, playful, karaoke singing actress who loves to crack a joke.  A part of me thinks clients won't want to work with that goofy personality.  But which clients?  The ones who are right for me or the ones who aren't?

While we're on the subject of BEING, or your ESSENCE or VIBE, what about dating?  There have been so many times when I tried to present myself in a certain way.  I'd try to look perfect, dress perfect, say the right things...all for naught.  Eventually, people are going to see you for who you are anyway.  And people crave authenticity in this day and age.  Nothing is more attractive than true and honest communication that comes from the heart.

So to get back to the title of this post. How does having fun get you what you want?  When you do things that are fun for you, you light up.  You engage with people in a different way.  In fact, you may meet completely different people all together who are more in line with who you are.  But even if you not in your "ideal" job, relationship, or even moment (in line at the DMV, for example), think about this; Who will come to the table in a better mood, the person who made time to go surfing or salsa dancing or have that quiet cup of tea with a good book or play that game of soccer in the park with their friends, or the person who decided to do all the "necessary" things and cut out the fun?  I'm not saying it has to be all play and no work (although I could argue for that as well, perhaps that will be a different blog post...) but make play a priority as much as everything else.  Who you are BEING affects how you show up in life and having fun elevates your vibration which makes people want to be around you.  Having fun also lowers your stress levels and creates bonds with friends and family.  Why would you NOT have fun? 

My challenge for the week is to add at least one new fun thing each day and then share how it affects the rest of your business and personal life.  Have fun! Go big!  Do something new!